Despite low gas prices in North America, a 40% increase in global urea capacity is unlikely

The last two years have seen numerous nitrogen capacity projects announced, with many of these located in North America. If all projects were built, Profercy estimates that global nitrogen capacity could increase 40% by 2018. However, many projects fail to break ground and production is never realised. Our latest long term forecast for urea, The…

A tough year for nitrogen markets – the Nitrogen Index 2013

As the holiday season approaches, this extended blog entry briefly reviews the fortunes of nitrogen products throughout 2013. Utilising Profercy’s World Nitrogen Index, the review primarily focuses on urea, which makes up the majority of nitrogen used worldwide.  2013 saw nearly 7 months of falling urea prices sandwiched between two bullish phases. For more information on…

Nitrogen Index – Supply problems support urea price increases / Urea market remains bullish

Profercy World Nitrogen Index up almost 4 points on last week – Urea drives index gains Swaps market sees significant offer increases for January 2014 urea – up $15pt for Middle East Urea The nitrogen market remains bullish.  Urea price gains supported a more notable increase in the Profercy World Nitrogen Index this week with…